Capturing all that you are, just by being you


Zoomed Out — Week 15 of 52 Week Photo Project


Zoom fatigue

Zoom exhaustion

Whatever you call it, I got it.

This week filled with blessings was also filled with utter exhaustion of zoom overload.

It hit me like a wave. A wave in the ocean crashing into you while your back was turned. Like getting karate chopped in the back of the knees, crippled.

I remember logging off after a near 8 hours on zoom in one day, and swiftly knocking the eff out. Then when I was more awake, I deleted all other unnecessary webinars/workshops/meetings for the rest of the week from my calendar.

I’ll be here still recouping, still finding a balance virtual work and play, while also sprinkling in the occasional in-person excursions.

All the while, I think of parents juggling all of their duties on top of this zoom fatigue.

I think of students who are expected to be on for similar amounts of time on zoom.

I think of fellow soloprenuers feeling similar as I do.

While I’m here building up my energy again, I’m thinking of you too.

Sending virtual hugs to you all 💙