A Year Later, Is That The Sun I See Shining? — Week 10 of 52 Week Photo Project
I people’d this week. Like met new humans in real life— it feels like it’s been ages since I last did that.
I vocalized my mission, to preserve legacies with portraits, for the first time in front of an audience and the physical reactions to the power of those words wowed me.
It’s been a year since I began running my business full-time, also a year of the pandemic where life as we knew it came to a screeching halt.
After a weekend of safely socializing (and the anxiety with it of if I even knew how to socialize anymore), celebrating the love of my life, and feeling this well of hope and inspiration bloom in my chest, I asked myself, “is that the sun I see shining?”.
Please help me wish my beloved partner in all things life, AJ, a happy 30th birthday!! We no longer share a decade, but at least we can share more memories, laughs, homemade cookies, meals, and more in the coming years ❤️ Happy Birthday, My Love ❤️