Looking to Spring — Week 11 of 52 Week Photo Project
I needed both quality time alone and quality time with others this week.
QUALITY being the key word.
It was a rough week mentally, but still very much fulfilling. However, I knew I needed to recharge.
First alone, and then with others.
This looked like a day to myself where even though I worked for a bit, I took time to relax with a watercolor class.
It also looked like feeling completely aligned after a great community chat (our first one!).
It looked like brunch with my sister in the apartment, undistracted and together.
It looked like switching between an audiobook and a physical book and just immersing myself in those worlds.
I know with all my being, right now, I am on the right path. Headed in the right direction.
Reminding myself to enjoy this journey, because, hell, I don't even know what the final destination is, and that's totally OK.