Capturing all that you are, just by being you


A Fire Burns — Week 12 of 52 Week Photo Project


A fire burns, deep within, further down than anyone can reach.
It entrances me
"You were meant for this.
And you fucking bet I will...


Officially 28 and what's brewing inside, I can't ignore.

Be it Spring Fever, Aries Energy, WHATEVER, but I am feeling like I am DONE sitting idly by and not paying it any mind.

I am passionate and energetic.
I am fierce and persistent.
I am loyal.
I am love.

And I feel like
I am on fire.

Making this portrait for my birthday was a ton of fun! Playing with gels to emulate fire, playing with posing to emulate confidence. I often get stuck in thinking I'm only one way of being, when in reality I am a whole as human and I contain MULTITUDES. I am a spectrum of emotion, emotions that I feel intensely and deeply.

So when I see these photos of myself, I think, "oh, but I'm not always serious" or "haha, but I am not always bubbly, laughing".

When in reality, I am both and everything in between. I don't need one photo to define me, and I don't know where or when I thought that had to be the case. I'm just so grateful for photography because it allows me to EXPLORE more of me. EMBRACE the CONFIDENCE that I am working hard to CULTIVATE despite anxiety, doubt, fear, and the host of other feelings I feel in any given day.

I have so much more to say about the creation of these photos (and more to come because I loved what we made in the studio), but that'll be for a longer form blog post 😉 (YEP, I have a blog! Links in the bio)

Right now I am going to bask in how wonderful I feel. A birthday mostly OFFLINE because I finally got to celebrate with my family in person. I could cry, I'm so happy. A year ago, this wasn't possible. Spending time with people I love truly is the greatest joy for me, and lord did I miss that. A birthday sharing meals with my favorite people means more than anything right now, I'm so grateful. This birthday is leaps and bounds better than the last.

I am so fucking grateful to be ALIVE.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes, I'm truly thankful to be celebrated by so many <3. This is the life!

Also, shout out to @alijuniormedia for his retouching skills!! I’m so grateful to have him on my team!